Finatur Design / Magno Caterino

Tribal affiliation: Zenu, Wounann, Wayuu, Arhuaco, and Kamentsa

How to purchase:
Instagram: @finaturdesign

Phone number: +57-3144162429


Finatur Design is the name adopted by the Divino Nino Indigenous Cooperative for international marketing purposes and I have created and named it. The Zenu community has worked since pre-Columbian times with the "cana flecha" plant for both crafting and construction of houses and other objects.The work has been exciting and very rewarding from an ethical, moral and political point of view but at the same time it has been sad and dangerous. Working in war zones is always a risk, seeing Indigenous leaders being killed, suffering the impotence of not being able to help displaced communities, forced to abandon their land by illegal armed groups and paramilitaries. For this reason it is vital to make communities visible because only the recognition of their existence is the basis of future respect for their life and ancestral knowledge.

Finatur Design believes that the artist behind each piece of woven or carved product deserves a fair wage and as a result their work supports 5 different Indigenous communities. We work together to access international markets, as a result of this partnership, designs and processes are improved, along the strategies to develop new ideas, innovation with designs well-rooted in their past but looking forward to remaining in the future.


Eve and Nico Gifts / Grace Basemera


Fusion De Maya / Marjorie Puryear